Charitable Bequests

After graduation Mike worked on a tanker-traveling the world-until 1986 when he accepted a job close to home. In 1999 Mike met Nancy Logan and after a six-year courtship, they were married. Since Mike and Nancy were both in their 50s and had most everything they needed, they asked guests, in lieu of wedding gifts, to make a contribution to the Michael and Nancy Pinkowicz Business Scholarship.
Getting so passionately involved at Ship was a surprise for both of them, since Nancy is a graduate of Philadelphia University. Mike and Nancy support the Cora I. Grove Spiritual Center. "Mike is a man of faith," says Nancy, and they believe that while a college builds your mind and body it's also important to address the spirit. With a shared passion for the arts, Mike and Nancy were excited to support the building of the H. Ric Luhrs Performing Arts Center.
Today, when Mike visits campus, he walks down the same hallways as he did as a student in the '70s. "In my wildest dreams, I would never have imagined that I would see my name on these walls as a benefactor. It's a great feeling."
To ensure their passion for public higher education, the arts, and faith would live on, Mike and Nancy made a bequest that will support their endowed scholarship fund, the H. Ric Luhrs Performing Arts Center, and the Cora I. Grove Spiritual Center. Mike offers this to others: "If you have the means, just do it. It is such a gratifying experience."